Florida Armored Combat (FAC) will engage in educating the public in, and promoting the sport of buhurt, a modernized extrapolation of medieval tournament fighting (also known as Armored Combat). FAC will assist with providing venues and operational logistics for commercial and non-commercial entities that will educate, entertain, and encourage the general public in Florida to learn more about medieval tournament fighting and the associated activities, arts, sciences, and professions.
Florida Armored Combat will provide information on the history of medieval tournament fighting and its influence on the development of the region. FAC also works with metalurgists, chemists, engineers, and blacksmiths to demonstrate the application of STEM in creating and maintaining medieval weapons and armor. Finally, FAC facilitates physical education & training in Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) and supporting martial arts; we will teach those willing to learn.
FAC works with entities to provide venues and logistics for those who wish to deliver education and entertainment activities via the sport of armored combat to the general public.
FAC will protect the practice of the sport of buhurt from any commercial entity that wishes to restrict said practice from any non-commercial entity via (licensing, patent & trademark, with Creative Commons protections for non-commercial entities).
FAC will facilitate the formation and growth of any new teams that wish to be a contributing member of FAC. Contributing is defined as being active in events or involved in logistics. No monetary contribution is required for any team or individual to become a member of FAC.
Not sure if you want to be a fighter, a support staff, or just socialize, fill out the form in the link below.